Real Results From Our SDRs & Sales Development Leaders

Everything You Need to Improve as an SDR

Spent the last 6 years working in SaaS EMEA companies, all in the SDR ecosystem (SDR, BDR, Senior, Lead Technique, Team Lead, Manager) and proud member of the SDR Nation community.

Why SDR Nation?
While the SDR function can be the most interesting and educational role for a new joiner in a company, it can be a difficult (and sometimes lonely) one. It’s a community like SDR Nation that will help you! Whether it’s the content, practices, ideas, peers, or coaches, SDR Nation will provide you everything you need to improve. It potentially can change your work life. All you have to do to thrive and evolve is to invest time in it.

-Baptiste Paulet
BDR Manager EMEA at MotorK

Invaluable Training & Community for New SDR Teams

Jason heads up the UK Education Team at the Texthelp Group, leading a team of education specialists who help schools, colleges and universities engage with technology and create a positive change on educational outcomes for all. A graduate of Queen's University, Belfast, Jason is a skilful, thought provoking presenter, an evangelist and advocate for the many learners who are yet to experience the transformative power that software can make across the classroom, home and workplace. His goal is to spread the message that everywhere we learn must be accessible to all - to ensure that everyone can understand and be understood.

Why SDR Nation?
“We recently developed the SDR function within our UK Education team. As a way of supporting the new team members, ensuring they would have SDR specific training and a community to tap into for support we joined SDR Nation. My team have found the training resources and community advice invaluable, they often come back to me with new ideas to try out and are putting into practice all the guidance the platform and community provides. As a manager I also joined up and the coaching network and resources have been so helpful as we embed the SDR team into our sales processes. We loved it so much we now have members of our Australian team on board.“

-Jason Gordon
Head of Sales, UK & ROI

People Leaders: Don’t Miss Out on SDR Nation

Lori has 40+ years specializing in Customer Experience and Contact Center Workforce and Operations. Since joining Intradiem in 2015, Lori has led numerous strategic initiatives surrounding people, process and technology associated with both Buyer and Customer Journeys. In her current role Lori is responsible for managing both Lead Generation in support of revenue pipeline goals and Sales Operations over the process, data and reporting of the Sales Opportunity Life Cycle.

Why SDR Nation?
As the People Leader for Intradiem’s Lead Generation Team, Professional Development of each Team Member is a critical aspect of my role. I hold myself accountable to making sure the team has access to resources that help them hone their SDR craft and become highly proficient, confident, capable, and successful in their SDR role.

For myself, I look for outside resources that help me be a better leader specifically for SDRs. In my search for outside resources, communities, and networks I was excited to come upon SDR Nation. All members of the Lead Generation and Sales Operations Team are enrolled in SDR Nation. We also have made active participation by way of attending sessions, networking and 1-1 Coaching a component of each team member’s quarterly career development objectives.

As a team we have gained great ideas and insight from other members of the SDR Nation community and have incorporated many of the ideas into how we run our Lead Gen Program. Every session we attend there is always something (and often multiple ideas or learnings) that we take away and can use to improve our team.

Anybody with responsibility for Lead Generation either as an individual contributor or as a people leader, should not miss out on being a member of SDR Nation. There is no question it is well worth the investment and the payback is quickly recognized in terms of the team’s ability, professional growth and success.

-Lori Etheridge
Director, Lead Generation & Sales Operations at Intradiem

“On Tap” Enablement for New Hire SDRs

Ben is an experienced sales leader with over 15 years of experience across various roles within sales orgs.

Why SDR Nation?  
“SDR Nation has been an awesome resource for on tap enablement and content for new hire Sales Development Representatives. As an SDR Leader at a startup this has been so helpful in creating a culture of learning for my team, and allows me to lean on already built resources so I do not have to create them from scratch”.

-Ben Dean
Director, Sales Development at AttackIQ, Inc.

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